Some information on ATM switch confiuration.

Check the web for newer information.

Checking status and activity.
If you want to check the status/activity of a port, say 1B1, you would:
1. Login to the switch
2. Use the ? to show you what you options are at a particular level.
3. Type conf for "configuration" and press enter.
4. Type port for the port activity. Then type ? so that you can see what is going on.
5. Type show 1B1
This will display the information on the activitiy level of the port 1B1.
It will look like this:
NAME_OF_ATM_SWITCH::configuration port> show 1B1

Port Carrier Admin Mbps ATM-Rate CDVT Policing VBROB BuffOB    AIS/RDI    Model
1B1     yes     up          155.0    149.760    250 enabled       100          100          disabled          OC3

Note: ATM/OAM processing is disabled
Note: Carrier = yes (means that there is a physical connection!!!!)

ATM commands.
The steps:
1. Login to the switch.
2. Use the ? to show you what you options are at a particular level.
3. Type conf for "configuration" and press enter.
4. Type vcc. It is at this level which you create Virtual Connection.
5. To create an new vc type new
   The useage is of this form:
"new" "iport" "ivpi" "ivci" "oport" "ovpi" "ovci" [-upc "index"] [-name "name"] Now find an open port on the switch eg.
1b3 [The 1 is the "fabric". The "b" is the group of ports. The 3 is the location of the port within the group.
1b3 is the location on switch 2 for Router1.
1c3 is the location on switch 2 for Router2.
To show a particular configuration on a switch.
Type: show port vp [the vp is always 0].
For example to see the listing of 1b3:
show 1b3 0

Next select a number which is not being used. The to be sure "show" the whole string.
For example if you want to use the following:
   1b3        0     40     1c3        0        40
you would type:
show 1b3 0 40
show 1c3 0 40 Now to create a vertual connection type:
new 1b3 0 40 1c3 0 40 -name the name
new 1c3 0 40 1b3 0 40 -name the name
(The 40 is a binary representation of the HEX 28.)

To check and see if cells are passing though the switch:
port, statistics
then vcc port# for the following:
1C1   0   110   1B2   0   110   0  pvc   locationname-spvc
1B2   0   110   1C1   0   110   0  pvc    locationname-spvc
Now type:
vcc 1C1 0 110
then you will get back something like this:
Input Output Cells Cells
Port  VPI  VCI  Port  VPI  VCI  Uptime   Received   Rejected
1C1    0     110     1B2     0   110   91d:16:05   1.125G      0
1B2    0     110     1C1     0   110   91d:16:05   73.489M    0

Now setup a ping going though the pvc using large packets (so you can see the cells increase). If you do not see the counter go up. You may need to delete the vcc. MAKE SURE YOU COPY THE INFORMATION FIRST!!!! Then when you have deleted the vc, recreate it and see if the counter increases.
When you start the Ping USE LAGRE PACKETS:
ping -s 1024 -I [interface] address

You can also check the activity of a port [rathter then a vc] by going to statistics, port. This will give you a list of all of the ports and a list of there cells received and cells transmitted. You can also use the web interface, and not delete the vc. For exiample http://switch.IP.ADDRESS, but this is slow.

If your are using FreeBSD, you will need this information for the ATM configuration of the
Creating an entrie for an ATM switch in the /etc/ of an FreeBSD router.

#VC for [name] from box1 to box2
ifconfig enp0 netmask 0xfffffffc
route add -iface -link enp0:3.0.0.c8

The 3.0.0.c8 part of the entrie is diagramed this way.
3 is the encapulation protion of the equation. This sometimes changes.
.0.0. remains the same. I am not sure what is does :).
c8 is the HEX repesentation of the BINARY NUMBER of the VC. In this case the VC is 200.
With a /30 (fffffffc) which has a HEX repersentation of c8. This meens that you will have 4 addresses avaiable to you.

.225 & .226 are the ip addresses avilable to use.
.224 & .227 are the broadcast and network addresses.

/27 has a HEX address of: 0xFFFFFFE0
/28 has a HEX address of: 0xFFFFFFF0
/30 s a HEX address of: 0xfffffffc []

To check the IP address of a switch go to: configuration ip Then type: "show" to see what ip's are listed.
ATM SWITCH::configuration ip show

interface  state  address               netmask            broadcast             mtu
lo0             up                N/A               4096
ie0             up   1500

To change the IP address from to type:
configuration ip: address ie0

Some information on ATM switch confiuration. Check the web for newer information.

Checking status and activity.
If you want to check the status/activity of a port, say 1B1, you would:
1. Login to the switch
2. Use the ? to show you what you options are at a particular level.
3. Type conf for "configuration" and press enter.
4. Type port for the port activity. Then type ? so that you can see what is going on.
5. Type show 1B1
This will display the information on the activitiy level of the port 1B1.
It will look like this:
NAME_OF_ATM_SWITCH::configuration port> show 1B1

Port Carrier Admin Mbps ATM-Rate CDVT Policing VBROB BuffOB    AIS/RDI    Model
1B1     yes     up          155.0    149.760    250 enabled       100          100          disabled          OC3

Note: ATM/OAM processing is disabled

**** Carrier = yes means that there is a phsical connection!!!!

ATM commands.
The steps:
1. Login to the switch.
2. Use the ? to show you what you options are at a particular level.
3. Type conf for "configuration" and press enter.
4. Type vcc. It is at this level which you create Virtual Connection.
5. To create an new vc type new
   The useage is of this form:
"new" "iport" "ivpi" "ivci" "oport" "ovpi" "ovci" [-upc "index"] [-name "name"] Now find an open port on the switch eg.
1b3 [The 1 is the "fabric". The "b" is the group of ports. The 3 is the location of the port within the group.
1b3 is the location on switch 2 for Router1.
1c3 is the location on switch 2 for Router2.
To show a particular configuration on a switch.
Type: show port vp [the vp is always 0].
For example to see the listing of 1b3:
show 1b3 0

Next select a number which is not being used. The to be sure "show" the whole string.
For example if you want to use the following:
   1b3        0     40     1c3        0        40
you would type:
show 1b3 0 40
show 1c3 0 40 Now to create a vertual connection type:
new 1b3 0 40 1c3 0 40 -name the name
new 1c3 0 40 1b3 0 40 -name the name
(The 40 is a binary representation of the HEX 28.)

To check and see if cells are passing though the switch:
port, statistics
then vcc port# for the following:
1C1   0   110   1B2   0   110   0  pvc   locationname-spvc
1B2   0   110   1C1   0   110   0  pvc    locationname-spvc
Now type:
vcc 1C1 0 110
then you will get back something like this:
Input Output Cells Cells
Port  VPI  VCI  Port  VPI  VCI  Uptime   Received   Rejected
1C1    0     110     1B2     0   110   91d:16:05   1.125G      0
1B2    0     110     1C1     0   110   91d:16:05   73.489M    0

Now setup a ping going though the pvc using large packets (so you can see the cells increase). If you do not see the counter go up. You may need to delete the vcc. MAKE SURE YOU COPY THE INFORMATION FIRST!!!! Then when you have deleted the vc, recreate it and see if the counter increases.
When you start the Ping USE LAGRE PACKETS:
ping -s 1024 -I [interface] address

You can also check the activity of a port [rathter then a vc] by going to statistics, port. This will give you a list of all of the ports and a list of there cells received and cells transmitted. You can also use the web interface, and not delete the vc. For exiample http://switch.IP.ADDRESS, but this is slow.

If your are using FreeBSD, you will need this information for the ATM configuration of the
Creating an entrie for an ATM switch in the /etc/ of an FreeBSD router.

#VC for [name] from box1 to box2
ifconfig enp0 netmask 0xfffffffc
route add -iface -link enp0:3.0.0.c8

The 3.0.0.c8 part of the entrie is diagramed this way.
3 is the encapulation protion of the equation. This sometimes changes.
.0.0. remains the same. I am not sure what is does :).
c8 is the HEX repesentation of the BINARY NUMBER of the VC. In this case the VC is 200.
With a /30 (fffffffc) which has a HEX repersentation of c8. This meens that you will have 4 addresses avaiable to you.

.225 & .226 are the ip addresses avilable to use.
.224 & .227 are the broadcast and network addresses.

/27 has a HEX address of: 0xFFFFFFE0
/28 has a HEX address of: 0xFFFFFFF0
/30 s a HEX address of: 0xfffffffc []

To check the IP address of a switch go to: configuration ip Then type: "show" to see what ip's are listed.
ATM SWITCH::configuration ip show

interface  state  address               netmask            broadcast             mtu
lo0             up                N/A               4096
ie0             up   1500

To change the IP address from to type:
configuration ip: address ie0

Alec Aakesson 29th July, 2004.